Big Brother Mod
Welcome to the site for Big Brother. Big Brother is a CANCELED single/multiplayer modification for the Valve Half-Life 2 Source Engine and for the Original Half-Life Engine. Big Brother is a "government conspiracy / fight the system / rebel against those who take our freedoms" kind of modification. It is about the government tricking citizens into giving up their freedom and rebels fighting for them back along side aliens.
Brief story line: After the Xen attacks on Back Mesa the American people ask the government for more protection. The President signs the Executive Order for the Intelligent Security Localization and Abnormal National Defense System (ISLAND) to take total control of the peoples lives. People slowly give away freedoms to become safe. You are a rebel and fight the system. For more go to the story page.
We want to make Big Brother for the Valve Half-Life 2 Source Engine and some legacy maps for the Original Half-Life Engine because there are still so many people who play the Original Half-Life. Please check back to see updates.
This is only science fiction (for now).
All works (story, intellectual property, images, maps, etc) on this site are property of their respective owners. They may be used only with written consent of the artists. If anyone wants to link to this site that is fine, but please use http://www.liquidgravity.us